School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews
I work with a number of talented individuals in multiple institutions. First position is indicated for those who have graduated.
2020- : Dr Rehmat Ullah
2016: Carlos Reano, from Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
2021- : Bailey Eccles (on a scholarship from the University of St Andrews) - Adaptive Model Pruning for Resource-constrained Edge Computing
2021- : Zihan Zhang (on the Rakuten sponsored international scholarship) - Parallelisation techniques for Edge-based Distributed Machine Learning
2020- : Di Wu (on the Rakuten sponsored International scholarship) - Distributed Machine Learning in Edge Computing Systems
2019- : Ayesha Majeed (on the Schlumberger scholarship) - Context-aware Offloading in Fog/Edge Computing
2016-19 : Nan Wang (on a fully funded international scholarship) - now at Durham University, UK - Resource Management in Edge Computing
2013-17: Long Thai (with Prof. Adam Barker, University of St Andrews) - now at Amazon, UK - Optimising the Usage of Cloud Resources for Executing Bag-of-Task Applications
Lawan Thamsuhang Subba (with Dr Adam Barker) - doing PhD at Aalborg University, Denmark
Nan Wang (with Prof. Peter Donnelly - awarded 'Best Dissertation'); obtained PhD from Queen's University Belfast, UK
Asif Saleem (with Dr Adam Barker) - at SAP, Ireland
Vu Dung Nguyen (with Dr Adam Barker)
Kunal Shridhar (with Prof. Andrew Rau-Chaplin) - at Cisco, India
Anthony Astoul (with Prof. Andrew Rau-Chaplin) - at SensioLabs, France
Aman Bahl (with Prof. Andrew Rau-Chaplin) - at D. E. Shaw, India
Ishan Patel (with Prof. Andrew Rau-Chaplin) - at IBM, Canada